🕐18.11.13 - 09:27 Uhr


Lonmin PLC (Price: 332p | Target: 287p | Rec: Sell) We have updated our numbers for Lonmin following FY13 results and lift our target price from 266p to 287p share.

Management has been exceeding expectations in terms of delivery, however, we continue to see significant headwinds, with wages yet to be settled, threat of strike action, South African cost inflationary pressures, continued Section 54 stoppages and achieving 26% BEE compliance by December 2014, all raising the risk profile to challenging levels.

We therefore maintain a Sell recommendation. * The company performed well operationally with its recovery plan exceeding guidance significantly.

Management expects to be free cashflow positive this financial year with sales forecast to exceed 750koz Pt (Investec 777koz).

This figure will be partly boosted by the release of built up concentrate that occurred as a consequence of the unplanned No.2 smelter outage earlier this year. * Longer term, the company is set to grow output, but will need to develop the major K4 shaft which in the current economic environment is not attractive and may require a sustainable US$1,800/oz platinum price.

However, K4 will be eventually be required to offset the decline of old shafts e.g.

Newman, and help maintain the 25:75, Merensky:UG2 ore ratio that the smelting refining operation is set up to process.

The ratio is currently supported with ounces from the high cost open pit Merenksy mine that will be exhausted in the next year or two.

Management believes that it can accommodate a higher UG2 ratio if necessary, but we note the smelting difficulties faced in the past. * Lonmin has yet to resolve BEE requirements by December 2014 of 26% BEE holding, from the current 18%.

Consequently, some form of equity dilution appears likely. * We value LMI using a blend of parameters including NPV, earnings and cashflow multiples based on our commodity and exchange rate assumptions.
To access the full note please click here Analyst: Marc Elliott +44 (0)20 7597 5189
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