🕐11.07.11 - 22:54 Uhr


http://easimail.ppr.com.au/download/files/12414/1396847/Carbon_Conscious-log o-300dpi.jpg Media Release 11 July 2011 $190M CARBON OPTIONS MORE LIKELY TO BE EXERCISED Carbon Conscious Limited ("Carbon Conscious" or "the Company"), Australasias leading developer of forestry plantations for carbon offset credits, today announced that over $190 million in options are more likely to be exercised as a consequence of the Federal Governments introduction of a Carbon Price.


Peter Balsarini, CEO of Carbon Conscious, said the Governments decision to put a $23/tonne price on carbon emissions made it more likely for $190 million worth of existing commercial options to be exercised. "We have $45 million worth of existing contracts with clients including Origin Energy and BP Singapore.

With the Governments announcement it is more likely that a decision by our clients to exercise up to $190 million of commercial options will be made.

The Governments decision has provided certainty and highlights the necessity for business to prepare for the Carbon Economy.

We have received substantial levels of interest from businesses, both in Australia and overseas. Our carbon credits are internationally compliant and will become tradeable with the introduction of the Carbon Price by 1 July 2012 and followed by an Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) in 2015.

Carbon Conscious is well positioned to take advantage of the tremendous growth in carbon offset investments and carbon credit trading, and is anticipating further strong growth for the foreseeable future." Carbon Conscious operates plantation forests in Australias wheatbelt region, utilising low productivity or degraded farm land in low rainfall areas to plant native tree species. To download a copy of this media release, click here.
To download an image of a Minature Eucalptus Tree, click here.
For further information please contact: Mr Peter Balsarini (CEO) (08) 9287 5600
Media: Tony Dawe/ James Harris Professional Public Relations (PPR) Tel: +61 8 9388 0944/ 0405 989 743 Carbon Conscious Ltd - Background Carbon Conscious creates large scale carbon estates to produce carbon offset credits under the Commonwealth Governments proposed Carbon Tax, by planting Mallee Eucalypt trees; a native species perfectly adapted to the growing conditions of the Australian wheatbelt. Carbon Conscious Limited was listed on the ASX in May 2008, and currently has millions of trees under management.

This email was sent by Tony Dawe, Professional Public Relations, 588 Hay Street, Subiaco WA 6008 to
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